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The First 21-Days Of Hunting for a New Job
The following are links posted on LinkedIn… in chronological order from when myself and eCommerce team was laid off.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and the joy outweighs the fear of pursuing a new adventure! I’ve seen lots of #OpenToWork posts, but for anyone on this journey #ReadyToWin is how we ought remember.
My background is eclectic: Sales, Marketing, Writing, Software Developer, eMBA, and passionate advocate for people trying to do the impossible.
Having pivoted from Creative to Code, I’m now looking to leap into to a #ProductManagement role; that I might be able to actualize on all I have to offer.
Refers, shares, or recommends are much appreciated.
I have two kids (5 and 8) so looking for fulltime opportunities that have health care and room for growth (as opposed to contract).
DAY 1 of OpenToWork or should I say #ReadyToWin
Reflections from Yesterday
- Private outpouring of support is bigger than people would suspect based on LinkedIn interactions … phone calls and texts out of the blue are always much appreciated even if no help can be offered. And for those of us that see these type of posts, it’s worth noting that should you be in a similar situation… the new adventure is much less lonely than it may appear based on your interactions compared to an Influencer.
- ATS Systems… YIKES. A friend of mine put my existing resume into an ATS system and it came back with ZERO matches. That lead to an in depth rewrite of the resume, positioning everything in the context of Product Management. It was less tedious than I imagined and in some ways forced me to see things in new ways of which I’m grateful for, but it also reminded me of a quote by Eliyahu Goldratt “Tell me how you’ll measure me, and I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.” (I may have the quote wrong). Made me think about an AI-Future where the “best candidates” are those most capable hacking ATS. Having written lots of SEO content a long while back, I wonder about “Black Hat” SEO techniques and the impact this will have on recruiting.
- Recruiters are GREAT. Maybe? A recruiter is hired to fill a 1:1 job description, they get paid a bounty for finding an exact match. No surprises there… but, if you are looking to career pivot, their bounty gets in the way of making you hirable. Essentially, for those looking to career pivot, you’re best doing the search alone. That said — it makes me think there’s probably an opportunity in there for #startup. Now that I have the time, I may make a mad dash application to Y Combinator (if I can figure out how to scale a process that I imagine will work for individuals). ((NOTE: If you read this and looking to apply with me, let’s get in touch today — I believe the deadline is the 22nd … ))
- Last but not least, a cobra is a venomous snake 👀 😁
- 11 Applications
- 1 interview yesterday (4/19)
- 2 Thank You For Applying Rejections
- 1 Personal Exchange
As an aside, I am immensely grateful to have read The Resilient Founder earlier this month. The universe knew I would need it 😉 … A review can be found here.
P.S. I plan to write these every day until I embrace a new calling. If you too are embracing the chaos, feel free to ping me!
DAY 2 of OpenToWork / #ReadyToWin
It’s 1:40 AM CST … and I just completed a monster of an InMail for an opportunity that was posted on LinkedIn. Perhaps a longshot, but the exercise was well worth the effort. All pretty new, but I feel like the more you’re forced to think critically in the context of an opportunity, the more you also look inward and gain greater self-awareness.
Nothing like a trip to medical office to make you realize how crucial Health Insurance is (daughter needed to go to doc’s to get a note for school absence – she had a low fever- but more seriously, wife incidentally had an annual oncology follow up – she’s okay, don’t worry 😅 . However, co-pay for an MRI basically unaffordable, so we’re looking forward to do that in a few months.)
Though I only notched 2 more applications today (the monster via InMail, and a lead from a former classmate), also connected with former co-workers and people I’d like to work with again, and attended a virtual networking event. Missed opportunity for a virtual meet & greet with a Quantic School of Business and Technology alumni, because the third person in our equation was travelling… but much general gratitude to see small seeds sprouting here and there. What they’ll grow into, is yet to be seen.
Though Saturday, my goal is to notch 7 Applications with my updated resume for ATS, and also to use Jobscan to make sure all is well… and after the weekend, follow up with my friend who alerted me to the ATS issue in the first place.
- 13 Applications (+2 change)
- 1 interview (4/19)
- 2 Thank You For Applying Rejections
- 6 Personal Exchange (+5 change)
- 1 Virtual Networking Event (+1 change)
Day 3 of OpenToWork / #readySetWIN
“You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life, and the procedure, the process is its own reward” – Amelia Earhart
… I cannot control who will hire me, or how the ATS tracking system will determine my value as a human being, but the simple act of taking action becomes its own reward.
… Redoing my LinkedIn profile and resume to be more “Keyword Optimized” initially felt like a vaguely disgusting task for it drove home the idea that whatever my unique numerical account number in a system is exactly that — minus all emotion connected with the word “unique”. That said, after getting passed my initial feelings/reactions reviewing work experiences became reassuring. You recognize things that could’ve gone better, things that could’ve gone worse and ultimately reaffirm your own value.
… I didn’t accomplish 7 job applications as I had hoped to when I wrote this yesterday, but not feeling too bad about it because I did tally a few interactions that rated as high quality.
… Completed 2 Applications with companies found on it’s the job board from Y Combinator
… Reached out to a 3rd Company Directly, no job for what I’m looking for, but seemed apropos to see if I can get on their radar for when something does come up.
… Connected with a friend from Flatiron School days and hoping to get on a Zoom. I don’t think it’ll lead to a job, but it’s at times like this that perhaps we find ourselves reminded that time is precious and its unfortunate to lose track of people that matter to us.
… Had an excellent conversation with a Founder that may lead to Product Consulting Opportunity; this was something unexpected and I’m hoping to create value as unexpected as was the conversation
… Heard back from one of the 2 companies I applied for almost immediately this evening and have a 15-minute conversation scheduled for Tuesday, and probably 2-3 hours of prep work and research to do in advance.
… For the other company I applied to, I also reached out to a Director here on LinkedIn — like.. if you’re going to go through the trouble of applying you might as well go all out if the role seems promising.
… Lastly, wanted to shout out Ashley Pannell, EMBA you are awesome! I was inspired by your perspective, new role, and wanted to note here for anyone that sees this; the interaction was unexpected and the kind I look forward to paying forward!
- 15 Applications (+2 change)
- 1 interview done (4/19)
- 1 semi-interview scheduled
- 2 Thank You For Applying Rejections
- 10 Personal Exchange (+4 change)
- 1 Virtual Networking Event

Day 4 OpenToWork / #ReadyToWin
REFLECTIONS: Sunday was not too eventful, took some time to spend time with family and friends, and think about things in a wider perspective. Now, I generally think bingeing on entertainment is not a great way to spend time, but on the flipside, I think stories can be “healing” in some ways — that through (great) entertainment, we sometimes can better understand reality.
I ended up watching #RebelMoon Part II (if you haven’t seen it, you might liken it to Magnificent Seven, or Seven Samurai) … a bunch of farmers in space with the help of flawed heroes seeking redemption fight off the might of an evil space empire.
Watching, it occurred to me that we LOVE movies and #stories like that because we often find ourselves empathizing with those flawed heroes giving it their all, to protect the things they love … and fight for a just cause against impossible odds.
It made me realize that when people say “What are you looking for in your next job?” … THAT is what I’m looking for. To have that experience! To be part of a team of heroes fighting against impossible odds or monsters and WINNING. And if not on the team of heroes… to at least be among those inspired farmers finding their dignity, conquering their fears, and seizing greatness. (and be a #productManager)
For, in this context, if you are not on that team of flawed heroes fighting to the last, or among the weak finding the courage to become strong… then, you are perhaps (by default) part of the oppressive space empire, with its endless silos of unnamed Hollywood extras.
Break free the silos and the universe awaits.
- 22 Applications (+7 change)
- 1 interviews done (4/19)
- 1 Take Home Interview / Case Study
- 1 Semi-interview scheduled
- 1 Round Two Interview Scheduled
- 2 Thank You For Applying Rejections
- 11 Personal Exchange (+1)
- 1 Virtual Networking Event
As a quick aside… if you’d like to know how to bust through silos, make sure to check out the book “Boundless” by Henry King and Vala Afshar … my review of which is here:
Day 5 (4/23) OpenToWork / #ReadyToWin
UPDATE – spoke to a recruiter that’s very relationship driven. Nothing in their recruiter’s pipeline that would be a fit, but glad to know that door has been opened. Also, spent about 5-6 hours prepping for a 15 minute interview. In one regard, it might seem unnecessary, but I learned an immense amount in a very short time about pen testing LLMs, constraints of #AI, and met an awesome Founder.
Tomorrow’s goal is to complete the book “12 Months to $1 MILLION” by Ryan Moran so I can be of better service to #entrepreneurs I meet.
Last but not least, random shout out to Obediah Ayton — if you don’t follow him, Ayton often speaks on hashtag#VentureCapital and Family Office investing in the #UAE. If I were running a company and needed capital, Ayton’s profile would be one of the first resources I’d visit when planning the raise.
But beyond that, and the reason I mention him here is his post shared below.
When I started logging this journey of However Many Days to pivot into a #ProductManagement Role, I directly trace the idea of doing this… to the video in Ayton’s post.
- 22 Applications
- 2 interviews done (4/19 and 4/24 – Midnight)
- 1 Take Home Interview / Case Study (4/22)
- 1 Round Two Interview Scheduled
- 2 Thank You For Applying Rejections
- 13 Personal Exchange (+2)
- 3 Virtual Networking with New Contact(s) (+2)
- 2 Virtual Networking Events Scheduled (+2)
Day 6 – OpenToWork / #ReadyToWin
- Signed up to drive Uber while I conduct the job search… had originally only considered Uber as a convenient way to get around. In this new light, I see it as both blessing and bridge.
- Had the realization that within everyone’s individual LinkedIn Network, there is probably some person who could serve as a “hero” to someone else: a new career opportunity, a mentor, the ultimate sales referral. But this type of interaction rarely happens because we often increase our network as if the only purpose was to “increase the score.” With that in mind, I’ve begun reaching out to all 1,323 contacts, starting at the end of the alphabet. I’m sure some “titles” are better to reach out to than others, but in a way, perhaps that’s part of the problem. Ultimately, hoping to see if can make a transactional experience more transformational.
- 27 Applications (+5)
- 2 interviews done (4/19 and 4/24 – Midnight)
- 1 Take Home Interview / Case Study (4/22)
- 1 Round Two Interview Scheduled
- 3 Thank You For Applying Rejections
- 16 Personal Exchange (+3)
- 3 Virtual Networking with New Contact(s)
- 2 Virtual Networking Events Scheduled
- 19 Reconnection Project (+19)
Day 7 OpenToWork / #NEEDS_Ticket_To_Antarctica …
((or role in #ProductManagement))
David Heinemeier Hansson captures how I feel. [there was a repost included where DHH makes reference to a satire study that states “Study finds 100% of men would immediately leave their desk job if asked to embark upon a trans-antarctic expedition on a big wooden ship” and he goes on to explain how office workers are starved for ambition]
STATS (TOTAL for 4/25)…
- 28 Applications (+1)
- 3 interviews done (4/19, 4/22 take home, 4/24 – Midnight)
- 1 Round Two Interview Scheduled
- 6 “Thank You For Applying” (Bullets Dodged, maybe) (+4)
- 3 Virtual Coffees with New Contact(s)
- 2 Virtual Networking Events Scheduled
- 25 Async Personal Exchange LinkedIn/Slack/Other (+9)
Day 8 – OpenToWork / #QuestingForAGoldenFleece –
…am very happy for having embarked on my #ReconnectionProject where I’m reaching out to all of my connections to help breathe some humanity back into the word “connection” (and also clear out inactives)
Though part of the outreach uses some templated text (it would be impossible to message 1300+ people otherwise), I do make a point of reviewing profiles. Doing it mostly alphabetically from the end, but not totally.
The best find of today was checking out the profile of Noah Levenson, one of the few genius-level people in my network and creator of “Stealing Ur Feelings” — a 6 minute film featured at Tribeca Film Center in 2019, in Scientific American, Y Combinator News and more… it gives you a peek into how #AI is used to gauge your emotions in order to sell you better.
It’s unsettling to think that was in 2019, before Covid, before ChatGPT.
If you care about #DataPrivacy, this should be on your radar
STATS (TOTAL for 4/26)…
- 41 Applications (+13)
- 3 interviews done (4/19, 4/22 take home, 4/24 – Midnight)
- 1 Round Two Interview Postponed
- 1 Interview Scheduled (+1)
- 6 “Thank You For Applying” (Bullets Dodged, maybe)
- 6 Virtual Coffees / Virtual Networking (+2)
- 29 Async Personal Exchange LinkedIn/Slack/Other (+4)
- 57 Reconnection Project Outbound (+17)
Days 9 and 10 OpenToWork / #DefiniteOptimist
- 55 Applications (+14)
- 3 interviews done (4/19, 4/22 take home, 4/24 – Midnight)
- 1 Round Two Interview Postponed
- 1 Interview Scheduled
- 10 “Thank You For Applying” (Bullets Dodged, maybe) (+4)
- 9 Virtual Coffees / Virtual Networking (+3)
- 33 Async Personal Exchange LinkedIn/Slack/Other (+4)
- 83 Reconnection Project Outbound (+26)
- 37 Inactive Contacts Removed
- Sense of Humor and Optimism 100%
Re: Days 8 and 9 [correction 9 and 10]
Used the weekend to focus on learning and self development to avoid feeling burnt out from the grind of resume submissions.
I completed “12 Months to $1 Million” by Ryan Moran … which was an excellent read. It also helped inform the beginnings of what may turn into a a consulting opportunity.
Also started Product Management in Practice by Matt LeMay which is also excellent. Aside from anecdotes and war stories that make you feel as if you were there with humor and insight, the book has attributes of what make one a remembered favorite: references and recommendations for other insightful reads. Escaping the Build Trap by Melissa Perri for one.
For those conducting a job search, job applications are indeed exhausting, but reaching out to your first connections can be reinvigorating in that even if no job awaits.. you, at the very least might find yourself in an unexpected conversation.
Also, from a numbers perspective… an Easy Apply listing that states 100+ applicants may easily have 1000 applicants. So, if you were to submit 1000 resumes, that’s something like a 1 in 1,000,000 chance. If you reach out to 1000 first connects, though… all it takes is 1 person to “See You” in order to escape the meat grinder of ATS.
Days 15 through 19 (up to 5/7) OpenToWork / #StartUpOfYou
It’s been about 5 days since I gave an “update” on the career search but have been busy. Stats stalled over the past few days, but thankfully because lots of correspondence.
- Submitted to Y Combinator with Tarric Sookdeo … it was one of those late submissions, but well worth the effort — even if only an exercise. We were inspired to submit late because of Startup School Online videos that featured Michael Seibel and Dalton Caldwell
- Attended an excellent Networking Event sponsored by Nashville Entrepreneur Center (Cereal with Serial Entrepreneurs) that featured Mark A. Cleveland of Hytch, LLC … if you’re in Nashville, then KEEP AN EYE out for this company. Also, if you’re in #Nashville or commute there, excellent upcoming event on May 31st (tickets here — hoping to network and perhaps meet you)
- As a result of attending the networking event, was able to introduce some great friends to an amazing recruiter I met at the event (Chris “Spinman” Spintzyk)
- Continued to enjoy the book “#ProductManagement in Practice” by Matt LeMay (though the title is without the hashtag)
- Started an excellent book titled “VC by Tom Nicholas” … never had any idea that the Whaling Industry was essentially the predecessor of modern #VentureCapital. Book was originally recommended by Bryan Sykes and a second time by Joe Milam (I have a general rule that if 2 different people recommend the same book within 1 month, I’ll pause whatever I’m on and bump it to the front of the line
- For HR Professionals encountered a VERY interesting solution from Petar Kralev
- Continued some Product Management Freelance (NDA) otherwise I would love to shout the mentor!
- Also, yesterday was my first day driving Uber. Aside from being better than unemployment, I feel that with #Founder on my radar and life-list (aside from PM of course)… there are the immediate benefits of meeting customers face-to-face, building trust, engaging in the art of hospitality, and experiencing the anticipation of waiting for a ride to pop up — one customer at a time. Grateful to have read “Unreasonable Hospitality” by Will Guidara a few months ago — it was more fortuitous than I’d have imagined. My very first ride earned a $100 tip. I’d like to paste that on a wall behind my computer… but I need the money lol.
- Excited for the opportunities this week brings, including the Zap ⚡️event later today.
- 58 Applications (+1) — (Including Co-Founder App to Y Combinator 5/2)
- 4 interviews done (4/19, 4/22 take home, 4/24 – Midnight, 4/30)
- 1 Freelance Product Role
- 17 Thank You For Applying (+2)
- 11 Virtual Coffees / Virtual Networking (+1)
- 1 Live Networking Event (5/2)
- 125 Reconnection Project Outbound

DAY 20 (5/7) OpenToWork / #StartUpOfYou
Huge shout out to Zap ⚡️for putting on an excellent event at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center … The moderator Brian Dailey was one of the best! He engaged the crowd and to my eyes saw that no question was missed.
The panelists Jason Moore (a business partner with Dailey), Peter Swan, and Mike Rosengarten were all spectacular. The panelists along with the moderator had great rapport and shared some excellent stories — the topic?? Divvying up Equity. I honestly had ALMOST gone to a different #Founder event elsewhere that was taking place, because I had (wrongly) thought a discussion on how to divvy up equity might be boring.
I was very wrong, and glad I went to this one.
While traction is the key thing for any startup, it seems that a working knowledge of commons shares versus preferred, versus founder common shares can save you a lot of heartache when it’s time for an exit.
Recently saw a post by Henry Ward of Carta re: a Chief of Staff position. Until this event today, and especially thanks to Peter Swan of Gust, I didn’t fully understand the purpose that a company like Carta fulfilled. Now I do, and look forward to some day soon making use of Gust.
And with the Greater Nashville Venture Capital Association seeking Charter Members, I can only imagine what great things may come:
Also shout out to Chris “Spinman” Spintzyk … it was awesome to connect!
In the meanwhile, I’m looking for an awesome cross-functional role, I think #ProductManager is the best way to put it, but I’ve worked in Sales, Marketing, Creative, and most recently as a #SoftwareDeveloper. Metaphorically, I want to conquer mountains and build bridges. More absurdly, I want to slay dragons and grab the golden fleece. Though I just completed my eMBA in February 2024 from Quantic School of Business and Technology, I can be counted on to do what it takes, no matter what — #ubering (Day 2) not just for the money, but as market research so I can better understand the personas that call #Nashville home.
- 58 Applications (Including Co-Founder App to Y Combinator 5/2)
- 4 interviews done (4/19, 4/22 take home, 4/24 – Midnight, 4/30)
- 1 Freelance Product Role (awesome mentor included)
- 18 Thank You For Applying… (+1)
- 11 Virtual Coffees / Virtual Networking
- 3 Face-to-Face Interaction / Live Networking Event (5/2, 5/7) (+2)
- 125 Reconnection Project Outbound
… and lots of correspondence
Day 21 & 22 (through 5/9) OpenToWork / #StartUpOfYou
Have probably said it before, but it bears repeating: Job Hunting feels a lot like #OutsideSales … one of my first jobs out of college I used to drive around Stamford Connecticut, blasting the Conan the Barbarian Soundtrack to amp myself up for the expected rejection of showing up unannounced at businesses. Anvil of Crom, The Wheel of Pain, Riddle of Steel / Riders of Doom, Battle of the Mounds are still top of mind, even today.
Trying to talk my way past “gatekeepers” in order to convince “decision makers” to use the staffing services the company I worked for felt what akin to what I imagine warriors of old would’ve felt like when storming a castle, its inhabitants pouring boiling oil down from the ramparts and dropping rocks.
Often times it was impossible to get to the decision maker on a first try… the gatekeeper usually running interference, with the most common deflection coming in the form of “Why don’t you leave some information?”
The first week of doing outside sales, the “Why don’t you leave some information” request had sounded great. WOW! I’ll just leave a brochure and they’ll get back to me?!?! That is until you realize the bin you’re leaving the brochure in is essentially a garbage pail waiting to become a dumpster fire.
Funny (or perhaps not), but that experience feels largely similar to submitting your resume along with 1000s of other people. As Dirty Harry used to ask the punks if they felt lucky — you wonder… will your keyword-stuffed-ChatGPT-refactored resume match the keywords in the ChatGPT generated job description? What words does the AI doing the matching weigh heaviest??
Sure, that’s what we’re supposed to do. But when I think about the garbage pail filled with brochures, corporate keychains, and other swag… I recollect there was a better way. Warm leads, personal introductions, networking events, and if none of that worked or was an option… attempting phone calls and other advance methods of getting on the radar was always a possibility. And sometimes through sheer persistence of will you might charm the gatekeeper into leaving the door cracked.
The job hunt may be a numbers game, and connecting with people takes more work than dropping off a brochure (or your resume)… but YOU CHOOSE the game you play. And if you’re going to play at all and the odds are awful, at least play the game where you stand to win biggest.
- 58 Applications (Including Co-Founder App to Y Combinator 5/2)
- 4 interviews done (4/19, 4/22 take home, 4/24 – Midnight, 4/30)
- 1 Freelance Product Role (awesome mentor included)
- 19 Thank You For Applying… (+1)
- 14 Virtual Coffees / Virtual Networking or Phone (+3)
- 4 Face-to-Face Interaction / Live Networking Event (5/2, 5/7, 5/9) (+1)
- 125 Reconnection Project Outbound
… and lots of correspondence (this is the most time consuming and also the most rewarding)