Tag: memory tricks

  • A Directory of Code Interview Questions

    NOTE: THIS POST HAS BEEN DEPRECATED AS OF 11/22/20 … NO MORE UPDATES ARE EXPECTED ON THIS DIRECTORY…. This post will be the go to source for patterns, all of which will contain coding samples. If you’ve read Memorizing Code PART I, and Memorizing Code PART II, this is essentially “Part III” — or at…

  • Memorizing Code Patterns, PART II – A Glossary of Code Personified

    In the previous blog, I mostly address “the why” of attempting to memorize code. In this blog, I follow up on the concept of a “memory palace”… an approach to organize the stuff you memorize. Rote memorization can work for a little while, but there’s no way you can do it for a deck of…

  • Memorizing Code, PART I

    Everyone says you can’t. But you can. Memorization has gotten a bad wrap in favor of “understanding”. In short, the truth is: memorization (or memory) precedes understanding. You Cannot Understand Something That Does Not Exist (at least partially) In Your Memory. One might memorize the quote “Veni Vidi Vici” without having any understanding of it.…