Tag: arrays

  • “Setups and Payoffs in Fiction” … or, The Sliding Window Algorithm

    BACKGROUND: While on my adventure to learn algorithms, I was fortunate to have Flatiron graduate Daniel Dawson recommend this course: Grokking the Coding Interview. Despite my having access to multiple Udemy courses, AlgoExpert, InterviewCake etc., (all very helpful in their own way)… Grokking the Coding Interview was a standout, in part because of the recommend,…

  • Dealing Cards, or “Chunking” Arrays

    When reviewing code, I often find that although I think “understand” what’s happening… it’s often when I try to put myself “into the shoes of the interpreter/compiler” that I realize some flaw in my perception. “Chunking Arrays” in JavaScript is one of those things. Though possible to force myself to memorize code using “totals” or…

  • Subsequences and Gold Diggers

    A common question you might face during a coding interview is to validate a subsequence. Chances are you’ll have two arrays (possibly more) and you will need to make sure that the numbers in the smallest array will appear in the same order (even if they aren’t adjacent) in the larger array. For example [1,3,5,8]…